Capcom delays Resident Evil Re:Verse to Summer 2021. Still free for RE Village buyers.


Whether your reaction to Resident Evil Re:Verse was hot, cold, or you didn’t touch it, it will take longer to play the whole game. Originally, Capcom planned to release Re:Verse with Resident Evil Village on May 7th. An e-mail to “Resident Evil ambassadors” states that the multiplayer mode will now begin this Summer. There is no definite date, but rest assured that the game is still free if you bought Village.

Re:Verse Delay
Credit: Capcom

The delay will not affect Village

Resident Evil Village’s release date is unchanged, as the multiplayer is independent of the single-player experience. It is still a 6v6 multiplayer format that takes place in a small arena. I played the initial test for the game, and players hunted each other through the Racoon City Police Department. We take control of one of Resident Evil’s main cast, and once killed, we transform into a Bioweapon to continue the fight.

Re:Verse Nemesis
Nemesis – Credit: Capcom

I consider Re:Verse throwaway fun that I can live with or without. I’d rather have it for free. The Resident Evil website states that “depending on the timing of your purchase of Resident Evil Village, Resident Evil Re:Verse may already no longer be available.” It sounds like its general availability is in question, but I’m willing to predict they mean it won’t stay free.

RELATED POST: Re:Verse – First Impressions of the Closed Beta

If a deathmatch mode isn’t your forte, you’re not alone. Many fans have had a love/hate relationship with multiplayer Resident Evil modes. Re:Verse is the latest iteration that Capcom wants to captivate us, yet the main games keep our attention. The exception to this is The Mercenaries mode. Though it is returning for Resident Evil Village, The Mercenaries mode has changed. There is no online mode, so it’s looking like a solo adventure with an added need to be strategic. 

How do you feel about Resident Evil Re:Verse?

Are you disappointed that we’ll have to wait for Re:Verse? I’m neutral on the matter, and I’m more focused on what Resident Evil Village will add to RE lore.